Safeway Inc. is at the forefront of the MoT (Mobility of Things) era, pioneering through the integration of autonomous driving technologies and advanced robot platforms for mobile robots.

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Equipped with the capability to develop both hardware and software systems in-house, including advanced autonomous driving and applications for autonomous robot platforms, we excel in swiftly advancing and commercializing our technologies.

The technology needed to move the robot!

Safeway Growth Strategy

Robot hardware (devices,control system) development and production
Professional development of Wheel-powered robot platform
Working with large robot parts suppliers
Intensive supply of robot services to small and medium-sized enterprises
Jointly developing robots with Korean robot service companies
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" Robot hardware is the core of robot services.
Safeway Inc. is a robot service company based on robot hardware. "

the sale of E-RESTTE(Stroller Mobility Platform)

the sale of  E-MOTION(robot platform)

CES2024 Las Vegas exhibition

MWC2024 Barcelona exhibition

High-Seoul Enterprise Selection

Bronze Prize on Seoul International Invention Fair

Commendation of the Commissioner of the Patent and Trademark Office

Robot-based platform prototyping

Selection of performance-sharing companies

Excellent technology enterprise certification(T-4), NICE D&B Co., Ltd

Credit Guarantee Fund, Start-up NEST Selection (Warranty support: KRW 1 billion)

Best Product of the Month (Ministry of SMEs and Startups)

Confirmation of venture companies (200K USD support from Technology Guarantee Fund)

Recognized as a corporate research institute

Safeway Inc. Foundation

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2024.06. THE First sale of E-RESTTE

2024.08. The First sale of  E-MOTION

2024.09 Kind+Juegend Exhibition(Germany) Innovation Award

2021.01. High-Seoul Enterprise Selection

2021.11. Bronze Prize on Seoul International Invention Fair

2021.11. Commendation of the Commissioner of the Patent and Trademark Office

2022.12. Robot-based platform prototyping

2019.04. Selection of performance-sharing companies

2019.05. Excellent technology enterprise certification(T-4), NICE D&B Co., Ltd

2020.04. Credit Guarantee Fund, Start-up NEST Selection (Warranty support: KRW 1 billion)

2020.07. Best Future Product (Ministry of SMEs and Startups)

2017.12. Confirmation of venture companies (200K USD support from Technology Guarantee Fund)

2018.06. Recognized as a corporate research institute

2017.12. Safeway Inc. Foundation

Our Team

Dongho Kim


1. Graduated from Yeungnam University with a Master of Mechanical Engineering

2. Working on Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd

   - Development of robotic system for 10Years
   - Development of Autonomous ship for 5Years

3. Best Research Award

4. The Jang Yeong-sil Award win

Jincheol  Hong


1. Graduated from Yeungnam University with a Master of Electrical Engineering

2. Working on Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd

   - Development and management of wearable robot control system

   - Development of Industrial Robot Control System

Gyudong Lee


- Graduated from Hanyang University, Department of Metal Engineering

- POSCO Ssangyong Engineering Co., Ltd

- Established the Oriental Engineering Company

- Partner company  of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co., Ltd.

Safeway means safe method and safe path

The company name represents the wishes of founders and the company's goals to create robots that drive safely and autonomously in a safe way in CI. 

01. English CI

Safeway CI embodies robots, wheels, and company names.

02. Grid system

Safeway logo mark must be applied and used to prevent the shape from being deformed by the grid system

03. Minimum space requirements

To maintain the formative nature of the Safeway logo mark, you should have a minimum amount of space.

04. Icon

The specified background color and margins must be adhered to to avoid variations according to the user's needs.

05. Color

The specified background color and margins must be adhered to avoid variations according to the user's needs.

A. 506-ho, Gasan digital 2-ro 115, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea  |  TEL: +82-10-45282411  |  E-MAIL: safewaykorea@gmail.com

Copyright(c) 2023 Safeway.